They can be installed in different places depending on your security needs. There should be a speed limit sign that indicates the presence of speed bumps to drivers such as cyclists and motorists.
It is a dense material with a specific gravity of 1.4. This means that recycled PVC speed humps can withstand larger vehicles such as buses and trucks without damage.
PVC comes in two forms – one is called rigid PVC and the other is called soft PVC. Rigid PVC can be used to create speed bumps and is considered a very strong material. Its high tensile strength also makes it very durable.
PVC materials can withstand temperatures ranging from -20°C to +60°C. Therefore, you can use recycled PVC speed humps in a variety of environments without any hesitation or hassle.
Its resistance to acidic materials indicates that PVC is resistant to the effects of many hazardous chemicals released by motor vehicles.
PVC speed humps are generally more economical than PU or PE speed humps.
Black and yellow speed bumps made of PVC material
What You Need to Know About PU Speed Bumps!
Another common form of polymer used in synthetic speed bumps and other traffic control devices is called polyurethane (PU) plastic. It is known for its different resistance properties, such as temperature resistance, abrasion resistance, and chemical resistance.
Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the impact of ambient temperature on bump performance.
PU speed bumps are effective traffic management tools that can slow down speeding vehicles in front of red lights, traffic signs, stop signs and other traffic lights, allowing drivers to follow these signs.
They can also reduce the acceleration of cars in slow speed zones, work zones, parking spaces or neighborhoods where pedestrians and vehicles are close to each other.