Boom barrier, Turnstile, Swing Turnstile, Fast Speed Turnstile, Parking System, Face Recognition Terminal, Face Reader, Temperature Measuring, Infrared Sensor, Mechanism, Motor, QR Code Reader, IC Card Reader
New Promotion Boom Barrier Gate
New Promotion Boom Barrier Gate Up to 30% OFF
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How do I perform daily maintenance on the boom barrier gate?

FAQ 5: How do I perform daily maintenance on the boom barrier gate?

  • **Q: How do I perform daily maintenance on a parking boom barrier gate?**
  • **A: Daily maintenance for a barrier gate includes the following aspects:**
    – **Regular cleaning**: Clean the exterior and surrounding area of the barrier gate to ensure no debris obstructs its operation.
    – **Lubricate mechanical parts**: Regularly lubricate the mechanical parts to ensure smooth operation.
    – **Inspect electrical wiring**: Regularly check the electrical connections to prevent aging or loosening of the wires.
    – **Test functions**: Regularly test all functions of the barrier gate to ensure it operates correctly.
    – **Maintain records**: Keep maintenance records of the barrier gate, noting the details of each maintenance session and any issues found, to facilitate future tracking and handling.